Summary for One Person

The following references to Emma Tite, ne Simons for the period 1883 to 1980 may be relevant.

Name married yoB yoI Source Notes
Emma E Simons 1885 1891 Census Daughter of Alfred Simons
Emma Elizabeth Simons 1885 1892 Baptism Born 17/3/1885
Emma Elizabeth Simons   1909 Witness at marriage Fred Stones to Alice Simons
Emma Elizabeth Simons S 1885 1911 Bride Marriage to Frank Tite
Emma Elizabeth Tite M 1885 1911 Bride married name Ne Simons, married Frank
Emma Elizabeth Tite M   1912 Parent at baptism Mother of Marjorie; husband Frank
Emma Tite   1918 Election Register at Church End
Emma Elizabeth Tite   1939 Election Register at 1 Market Square
Emma Tite   1939 Election Register at 16 Gold Street
Emma Elizabeth Tite 1885 1961 Monuments Wife of Frank Tite
10 records displayed as possibly relevant out of 27 references to Emma Simons.
Note: yoB is year of birth according to the source record, if available
         yoI is year of interest: the year in which the event listed took place.